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Moodle Training Site User Guide: Initial Alternate ELPAC | CAASPP-ELPAC
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Chapter 2: Accessing Program Specific Training  >>  Initial Alternate ELPAC Moodle Process

Initial Alternate ELPAC Moodle Process

Instructions for accessing the Initial Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) trainings.

The Initial Alternate ELPAC–LEA Certification Course is the only course specific to the Initial Alternate ELPAC. It is a supplement to the Summative Alternate ELPAC–LEA Certification course which contains all the administration and scoring training for both the Initial Alternate ELPAC and the Summative Alternate ELPAC. One current employee from the LEA must have completed each of the courses in order to administer either version of the assessment. The same employee need not complete both. There is no test examiner certification for the Initial Alternate ELPAC other than the Alternate ELPAC–Test Examiner Certification course.

  1. There are three ways to meet the annual Initial Alternate ELPAC–LEA Certification Requirement assuming the Summative Alternate ELPAC Certification has already been completed.
    • Complete the Initial Alternate ELPAC–LEA Certification Course
    • Verify that a current employee in your LEA has completed the Initial Alternate ELPAC certification in the past three years. There is a button on the ELPAC side of the Administration and Scoring Training (AST) website where you can see past completers from your LEA and verify that they are still working at your LEA.
    • Complete a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with a neighboring LEA that has agreed to train test examiners to administer the Initial Alternate ELPAC or administer test to eligible students if needed. LEAs should send an email to SCOE at elpac@scoe.net to confirm the MOU with the neighboring LEA. The MOU should also confirm the neighboring LEA has completed Initial Alternate ELPAC training.
  2. If you will complete the certification course, enter Moodle Enrollment Key
    • Obtain the enrollment key from the LEA coordinator
  3. Sign Test Security Affidavit
    • Must be signed in each course
    • Only need to be signed once per course
  4. Complete the course
    • LEA Coordinator
    • Test Examiner

LEA Coordinator

The LEA certification course is designed to prepare LEA coordinators, or their designee, to understand the tasks required both before and after administration of the Initial Alternate ELPAC. This course consists of modules, each with a video or videos to view. Completion of one section is required in order to unlock the next section. All sections must be completed in order to obtain a certificate of completion. The course does not have to be completed in one sitting. If an LEA has a new ELPAC coordinator or lead trainer who has not been trained, both the Summative Alternate ELPAC—LEA Certification course and the Initial Alternate ELPAC—LEA Certification courses must be completed. New LEA ELPAC coordinators can fulfill their training requirements by accessing the virtual training modules within Moodle.

Test Examiner

There is a single Alternate ELPAC AST certification course that covers both the Initial Alternate ELPAC and Summative Alternate ELPAC. The Alternate ELPAC—Test Examiner Certification course allows test examiners to administer both assessments until the new certification course’s launch in Moodle in early November of the following year.