The Moodle Training Site will be closed on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time for security updates and maintenance.
Instructions for accessing the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) trainings
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The LEA certification course is designed to prepare LEA coordinators, or their designee, to train test examiners to administer and locally score the Summative ELPAC. This course replaces the statewide in-person training. It consists of several sections, each with a video or videos to view. All sections must be completed in order to obtain certification. The course does not have to be completed in one sitting, nor does it need to be completed in any particular order. It only needs to be completed by the person or people responsible for overseeing ELPAC training and administration in the LEA. This course does not replace scoring training or calibration for items in the Speaking domain.
All the videos included in the certification course are also included in the Trainer Resources and Test Examiner Training and Calibration courses as resources for local LEA trainings. However, you must view the videos in the certification course in order to receive a certificate of completion. As the LEA coordinator, or their designee, it is your responsibility to complete this certification course and ensure test examiners complete calibration.
There is a course for kindergarten through grade twelve LEAs and a course for grade six through twelve LEAs. The LEA coordinator completes the course that best aligned with their LEA.
The Trainer Resources course provides trainers access to online training materials needed to conduct training.
These resources include everything ELPAC trainers need to prepare test examiners for administrating and scoring the Summative ELPAC: training videos, Anchor-Training-Calibration samples, draft DFAs, and the Summative ELPAC Training binder sections. Trainers will want to modify their training to accommodate both new and experienced test examiners. All test examiners will have to calibrate for the grade level or grade spans they will be administering and scoring. Calibration quizzes are located in the Test Examiner Training and Calibration course. All training videos are also located in the Test Examiner Training and Calibration course.
The Test Examiner Training and Calibration Resources course provides test examiners access to online training videos and quizzes for self-guided training and calibration.
Sections containing various training materials and calibration quizzes (Calibration Certification) are organized by grade levels and grade spans. Within each training and calibration section, test examiners will find training videos, training quizzes, and calibration quizzes.